1. In what ways do the mother and father carry out the traditional, stereotyped, male-female roles? Would either one wish to change? Explain.
Mom ; Kitchen, sewing, canning fruits, cooking
Dad ; Slaughtering animals , farming
They both don't wish to change. They are content in their roles.
2. "A girl was not, as I supposed, simply what I was: it was what I had to becaome. It was a definition, always touched with emphasis, with reproach and disappointment." Explain these marks.
Girl feels trapped.There is no escaping label as a girl.Her father may disappointment when she was borned. Girls can be worthles. She can not avoid this.
3. The narrator remains nameless throughout the story, but we are told thet her younger brother's name is Laird. What does his name mean? What is the significance of these two facts?
Girl's name= We don't know. Until dad says this is my hired man we did not know she was girl. She doesn't worth even saying her name Worthless so no name. She was trying to impress her father.laird does not care about impress her dad.
Laird= Lord/ Land owner. Laird the boy will be owner the land in the future.
5. The foxes are symbol. What qualities or abstractions do the foxes seem to represent to you?
Foxes are symbol of the girl. After one year get named. Breeding stock they are getting name. She will get her name when she get married. They have common=
Must be attractive
Mack is symbol of boy
old, slow, big, work horse, obeident, male
Flora is symbol of girl
Energetic, young, fast, disobedient, not trainable, so wild, female
6. Trace the changes that take place in the girl. How does she manifest them outwardly?
Early= She was tomboy, obedient . In her story she was heroic. Her bedroom was plain, storage area, and scary. She was sharing her room with Laird. She could beat up Laird. Watches Mack and she aws the dad's hired man.
Later= Now she take care of her self and asking in front of mirror Am I pretty?
Decorated her room with lace. stop singing. Puts up divider. Frees Flora. Laird is stronger
Something inside from her changed no body did not say to change. author thinks these cahnging are "Nature" .
8. At the end of the story, the girl appears to have capitulated and is prepared to accept her streotyped role as "only a girl." Would this claasify as a "happy ending" ? justify your position
Her goal was to break from stereotype. She couldn't achieve her goal so unhappy ending
If her goal is to find out where she belongs in the society? yes she achieved her goal happy ending.
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